Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bumps Along the Way

Standing here, and certain to be walking soon!

These are pictures of our backyard. This is the best place to dry clothes outside! Good thing, given that we don't have a dryer! Apparently many people don't here. While I am still sad that I had to give up my fantastic steam washer and dryer, having a small washer means one load a day. I also have to keep those cloth diapers clean or they smell in the heat :)
We have also hit some bumps in our plans. We found out Friday that our oldest won't be able to attend the school we had been looking forward to. State schools (like our public schools) cost about 10,000$ a year for us because we aren't residents, so we had found a wonderful Christian school that had a model of teaching we really liked and would cost less than half of what a state school would have. We had moved right around the corner from this school in anticipation. While they were wonderful to us, it turns out that the student visa we are here on doesn't permit us to go to this school. We are still looking into this, but given that all offices are closed until Tuesday, we haven't been able to fully explore this. It looks like I will be homeschooling for the time being.
I think deciding on how to educate our kids is a significant challenge. I have many friends that I respect deeply who have made various choices. Homeschooling, Christian school, Montessorri, French Immersion, English Public etc. Back home we had settled on French Immersion because I hoped equipping my kids with a second language would increase their capacity to reach out to the world. I also hoped being in a public school would allow my kids to share Jesus' love with those around them who might not otherwise experience it. I also have been committed to public school because all kids could attend there, regardless of financial situation or what their parental situation was, and I wanted my kids to be part of that as long as they still had the freedom to be themselves as Christians. Now, unable to afford 'public' school, we have the opportunity to try out another approach to education. I am sad that my oldest won't be at a regular program, because he LOVED his last class and school, particularly his friends. I also thought his teacher was fantastic and appreciated getting to know the other parents. But here I am looking at homeschooling and thankful that I have a number of inspirational examples of families I know who have gone this route and honoured their children well through it.
The other interesting adventure we are having is trying to find a home church. My husband had narrowed the search already be checking out (and ruling out) a number of places. Having been on the other end of church in many ways, and being part of many discussions on how to attract people, it is a little bizarre to be on this journey. As a young family, with VERY active young boys, it isn't really surprising that our top requirement is that our kids participate happily in whatever children's program that is offered during the service. I would love the luxery of choosing a place where the theology is a good fit, or where the small groups were well developped, or the outreach most biblical. I also highly value the 'neighbourhood church' in the hopes that we could build relationships that would extend through the week. And we currently don't have a car, so walking is the only option (no public transit on Sundays). So I find myself desperately anticipating Sunday mornings where I get the only 2 hours a week where I get to meet people beyond our family. I reread the websites a million times, taking in every detail offered. I try to imagine what being part of this congregation might be like. Will the teaching be good, will the worship music be inspiring, will there be opportunity for us to be involved, is it biblical, have a healthy sense of mission, does exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. I think through all the many things that would help me decide on a good fit for a church home for us...but in the end, no other criteria matter, if my kids won't stay in the building for the morning. I can't check out anything beyond Sunday morning, if my kids don't fit in. It means, that while I LOVED the service and the people we experienced last Sunday, the fact that my kids didn't fit well, in the quiet, reflective children's ministry, means I will only get to visit the church on occasion. The truth is, with three kids, it doens't leave either of us parents in the service is our youngest 2 are restless. Last week we found a church that would also be a good fit, the . But until we have a car, it isn't a regular option. And until I have a car AND become brave enough to drive here, AND know someone we trust to leave the kids with, I won't have the option of attending any of the wonderful mid-week programs.
Funny to think of all the many details that we think through as churches when we are hospitable, and that for us now, it boils down to one thing for us now--is there a Sunday morning program that accomodates my high energy, rambunctious, almost three year old. (Without having to pull us out of the service every week.) If you can do that, you've got us; and I like to think we have a lot to offer a community too.
This whole process makes me miss Wellington Square and reminds me of all they are doing right. An incredible commitment to children's ministry and caring for young parents. Even when my kids would melt down, wonderful people would share God's love with them, pray for them, carry them and if need be, put up with a meltdown so I would get my one hour of week for just God and I. A midweek group with other moms where my kids and I were loved by some fantastic caregivers. And I got some time to be real and honest with other moms who were trying to navigate living for Jesus while taking care of little ones. Not to mention the various meetings/opportunities where child care was available by some fantastic, servant hearted youth.
Today I miss my church, I miss my friends, I miss having a place where I belong, but I am also keenly aware that I am learning a lot about what if feels like to be on the outside and hoping that in the years to come, I will be better equipped to extend hospitality.

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