Sunday, May 16, 2010

'This is the best day ever'

Great-Grandma gave the kids some money as a gift and we managed to find a used trampoline to spend it on. My oldest's comment as he jumped with joy 'this is the best day ever'.

My daughter has discovered the joy of Oreos. I think this is what happens when you have older siblings, you somehow manage to get treats far younger then the oldest ever would have!

Our move to Australia has held some significant challenges. Not the least of which being that it all came together VERY quickly and there are many details still being worked out back home. Many of those details being overseen by some very patient and generous family and friends. There is a great deal to be legitimately concerned about on many fronts, and yet the sentiment that has been settling in deeper and deeper each day is thankfulness. Though I continue to have a lengthy list of things I bring before the Lord, I am increasingly able to see the massive number of prayers that have already been answered.
Earlier in the week, we surprised the kids with the trampoline. We hadn't really anticipated this purchase, but Great Grandma had sent some money for the kids and was keen for it to be spent on them. Just like many parents, including our heavenly Father, we love to bless our kids. This certainly isn't limited to 'stuff', but on this occasion we set out to maximize what we could get for them. We found a trampoline on ebay and made an offer. To our surprise, and delight, it was accepted!
The best part was telling the kids we had a surprise for them, but that they had to wait. All day they guessed at what it could be. A movie? A cake? A Ben Ten action figure? I just kept smiling and saying 'Maybe'. But inside I was simply delighted that they weren't thinking big enough. And then it was here. And the squeals of delight were more significant than any words they could utter. And then there was the absolute joy of watching them on it for the first time. It was at this point that my oldest offered words that moved me deeply; 'This is the best day ever!' How long has it been since I thought something like that? Even on fantastic days, I still manage to add a 'but' to it. Not my son. Not that day. The energy of their joy was contagious! Not to mention I think they said thank you nearly a billion times. The whole of their being exuded thanks.
And then there was this moment with my daughter. She noticed the boys with a cookie and fixated on having one too. So I gave in and gave her one. And for the next half hour she nawed at it, gummed it, and covered herself (and me) in this cooking, all the while offering this huge grin. She savoured it in a way that only toddlers with few teeth can. That cookie must have tasted good for a long time, and offered her a moment of being one of the kids.
So here I am. A huge opportunity for my husband has led us far away from home, and some days I have wrestled desperately with how much I've left behind. But more and more what is settling into my heart is thankfulness. There have been moments when I would think of my friends and family and had this aching emptiness. A longing deep and desperate for those who love me, speak truth in my life, challenge me and simply know me well. But God is working on my heart. He is removing the sense of loss and replacing it with a thankfulness that floods my heart. As I remember the people far from me, I am reminded of how blessed I am to know them. I am taking the opportunity to savour memories and pray for my friends and love them from a distance. I have also been encouraged over and over again by people who have offered words of encouragement in the midst of all that is going on. And I am in awe of all that God has done and is doing. As I think of all those who are working away in ministries that I have been a part of, I am thankful for the gifts they bring and how those ministries remain organic and malleable in the hands of our ever Creating God.
My days here are much different then they were back home. The phone doesn't ring and we don't have anywhere else we need to be. It is a very unique time in our family's life and I am working to savour it. For I am fairly certain it is temporary. But for now, I will build lego and play spiderman and trust that this too is building up God's kingdom. I will savour these moments, and be thankful.

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